

Representing Graphs

Adjacency Lists


Way i: One way to represent a graph without multiple edges is to list all the edges of this graph.
Way ii: Another way to represent a graph with no multiple edges is to use adjacency lists, which specify the vertices that are adjacent to each vertex of the graph.



Adjacency Matrices


Adjacency list VS. adjacency matrix

  • When a graph is sparse(这张图很稀疏,边少), it is usually preferable to use adjacency lists rather than an adjacency matrix to represent the graph.
    • 如果这张图很稀疏,那么如果用邻接矩阵的话空间消耗很大
  • The adjacency matrix of a sparse graph is a sparse matrix, that is, a matrix with few nonzero entries, and there are special techniques for representing, and computing with, sparse matrices.
    • 对于稀疏图,我们可以采用稀疏矩阵的方式,也就是只保留1,不保留0
  • Suppose that a simple graph is dense, we compare the complexity of determining whether the possible edge $(v_i , v_j)$ is present.
    • For case of adjacency matrix, we only need to examine the $(i , j)$-th entry in the matrix;
    • For case of adjacency list, we need to search the list of vertices adjacent to either $v_i$ or $v_j$ in $O(|V|)$.
    • 如果要看这个有向图顶点的入度,那么需要扫遍所有的邻接表或者建立你邻接表



Incidence Matrices 连接矩阵




Random walk and Laplacian

Random Walk


比如说我们网上冲浪,点击一个网页会有很多子页面出现,子子孙孙无穷尽也。这个就相当于一个web Graph,我们就在这张图中随机游走。


假设x走到y的概率都已一样的,那么$P(y|x) = \frac{1}{d(x)}$ 。我们定义D是一个对角矩阵。 P就是一个概率转移矩阵。概率转移矩阵一行加起来的数值一定等于1

Combinatorial Lapacian 组合拉普拉斯


0一定是这个矩阵的特征值。每一行的元素加起来等于0(对于简单图来说) ,对应的特征向量就等于v0


Normalized Laplacian 标准化拉普拉斯

isomorphism of Graphs 图的同构

The simple graphs $G1 = (V1; E1) $and $G2 = (V2; E2) $are isomorphic if there exists a one to one and onto function f from $V1 $ to $V2$ with the property that a and b are adjacent in $ G1$ if and only if $ f (a)$ and $f (b)$ are adjacent in $ G2$, for all $a$ and $b$ in $V_1$. Such a function $f $is called an isomorphism.

When two simple graphs are isomorphic, there is a one-to-one correspondence between vertices of the two graphs that preserves the adjacency relationship.

同构,说明V1到V2之间存在一个一一对应的满射,也就是说如果我不看一个顶点的标签,只看边和顶点的结构,那么这两幅图其实是一样的 简单图的同构关系是等价的 。 G1和自己同构,同构具有传递性


利用函数来找出一对一的关系,是很难的。我们如何进行判断? 我们要看图中的顶点是否有相同的顶点数,相同的边数,相同顶点的度。


有没有更有效地方法判断是否同构呢?也就是说,我们通过画两个图的邻接矩阵,然后通过行列变换,一定能把他们化成一个矩阵。比如下图的 $A_G$和$A_H$ 它们是同构的


  • The same number of vertices;
  • The same number of edges;
  • The same degree for the same vertex.
  • The path and distance between vertices


$Degree^-$- u $Degree^+$-u $Degree^-$- v $Degree^+$-v
2 1 2 0 1
2 3 1 3 2
1 3 2 1 3
2 0 2 3 4



首先我们要分清楚 Walk, Trail, Circuit, Path ,和Cycle的区别





Close 就是封闭的Path,即不能重复顶点也不能重复边

1代表可重复,0代表不可重复 Vertex Edge
Walk 1 1
Trail 1 0
Circuit(Closed Trail) 1 0
Path 0 0
Cycle(Closed Path) 0 0


Paths in undirected graphs

​ Let n be a nonnegative integer and G a directed graph. A path of length $n$ from $u$ to $v$ in G is a sequence of $n$ edges $e1,e_2,e_3,e_4,e_n$ of G such that $e_i$ is associated with $(x{i-1},x_i)$for $i = 1, 2,…, n$ where $x_0 = u$ and $x_n = v$
​ When there are no multiple edges in the directed graph, this path is denoted by its vertex sequence$ x_0, x_1, x_2, … x_n$ A path of length greater than zero that begins and ends at the same vertex is called a circuit or cycle.

​ A path or circuit is called simple if it does not contain the same edge more than once. 一个simple circuit除了顶点可以重复,但是边是不能重复的

In the simple graph, a, d, c, f , e is a simple path of length 4, because {a,d}, {d, c} , {c,f} and {f , e} are all edges.

However $ d, e, c, a $is not a path,b ecause {e,c} is not an edge.
Note that $b, c, f , e, b$ is a circuit of length 4 because {b,c}, {c, f }, {f ,e}, and {e,g} are edges, and this path begins and ends at b.
The path $a, b, e, d, a, b$, which is of length 5, is not simple because it contains the edge {a,b} twice.

Paths in directed graphs

​ Let n be a nonnegative integer and G an undirected graph. A pathof length n from u to v in G is a sequence of n edges e $e1,e_2,e_3,e_4,e_n$ of G for which there exists a sequence $x_0 = u, x_1 … x{n-1}, xn = v$ of vertices such that ei has, for $i = 1….,n $ the endpoints$ x{i-1} $and $xi$ .
​ When the graph is simple, we denote this path by its vertex sequence $x_0,x_1,…x_n $(because listing these vertices uniquely determines the path).
​ The path is a circuit if it begins and ends at the same vertex, that is, if $u = v$, and has length greater than zero. The path or circuit is said to pass through the vertices$ x_1,x_2,…x
{n-1} $or traverse the edges $e_1….. e_n$
​ A path or circuit is simple if it does not contain the same edge more than once.


Paths in acquaintanceship graphs
In an acquaintanceship graph there is a path between two people if there is a chain of people linking these people, where two people adjacent in the chain know one another.
Paths in collaboration graphs
In a collaboration graph, two people a and b are connected by a path when there is a sequence of people starting with a and ending with b such that the endpoints of each edge in the path are people who have collaborated.

Connectedness in undirected graphs 无向连通图


An undirected graph is called connected if there is a path between every pair of distinct vertices of the graph.
An undirected graph that is not connected is called disconnected.
The first graph is connected, because for every pair of distinct vertices there is a path between them.
However, the second graph is not connected. For instance, there is no path in the graph between vertices a and d.


There is a simple path between every pair of distinct vertices of a connected undirected graph.


A connected component of a graph G is a connected subgraph of G that is not a proper subgraph of another connected subgraph of G. 连通分量是最大的连通子图。

That is, a connected component of a graph G is a maximal connected subgraph of G.

The graph H is the union of three disjoint connected subgraphs $H1,H2,H3$These three subgraphs are the connected components of H.


Connected components of call graphs

How Connected is a Graph?

Network robustness



  • In a phone call network, dense and frequent calls among users in the network reduce the likelihood of churn.
  • In IP networks, service providers therefore aim to monitor,manage and optimize their networks to keep their networks robust. 路由器相互之间转发数据包,如果区域之间只有一个路由,那么路由收到攻击的时候网络就会宕掉
  • In social platforms, some external or internal events may be detected from the burst of user interaction networks. 根据网络链接的状况,判断是否有事情发生

Existing measurements 测量方法

  • Node connectivity and edge connectivity
  • Cheeger ratio, vertex expansion, and edge expansion
  • Algebraic connectivity and R-energy

Cut and bridge

Sometimes the removal from a graph of a vertex and all incident edges produces a subgraph with more connected components. Such vertices are called cut vertices (or articulation points). Analogously, an edge
whose removal produces a graph with more connected components than in the original graph is called a cut edge or bridge. Note that not all graphs have cut vertices, e.g., $ K_n $for$n \geq 3.$

比如这张图,我如果去掉 {c,e} 这座桥, 那么两个子图就不再连通,所以这张图的 robustness就比较差



Expander robustness

Edge boundary 和 Vertex boundary

Laplacian robustness

对于拉普拉斯矩阵,我们去度量它的特征值的方差。方差越大,那么说明顶点之间相连的状况相差很大。方差等于0 ,那么说明每一个顶点都至少和另外n-1个顶点相连,也就是一个Click


Example of network robustness metrics

R-energy: application I

R-energy: application II

Connectedness in Directed Graphs

Strongly and weakly connected 强连通和弱连通


A directed graph is strongly connected if there is a path from a to b and from b to a whenever a and b are vertices in the graph.
A directed graph is weakly connected if there is a path between every two vertices in the underlying undirected graph.

Giant component

Web giant component

Paths and Isomorphism


Counting Paths Between Vertices

如何计算节点之间的path条数? 我们看到 A的几次幂即为长度为几的Path,但这里的Path包含Trail和Walk,可以是重复的顶点和边。上图中有 $A^4$ 那就是在图上那些顶点之间有path长度为4的路径。比如a和a、d之间就有8条长度为4的path。
